The opening reception, hereafter the video :
1- "Infopower"
The typical american flag with its eagle as an american power.
This sign is mixed with a google logo and all of this visual collage is called "Info power"
Google has defined the new capitalism of 21st century. This is capitalism is not anymore dealing with industry, selling, object, like Ford has defined.
But Google has defined a new capitalism based on language capitalism, by selling keywords and acces to information.
By doing this Google has became one of the most powerful media in our globalized world, so powerful that now he are making new lobbies for the american presidential campaign to help the differents candidates with their google tools.
This painting is focusing this matter
2- "Google boat versus info ranking"
This painting is quite in the same line than the "infopower one"
We can see an halloween logo (2206) from google, a cuban boat people facing a gold skyline (miami) and floating on the american flag strip...
Every day illegal immigrants to US risk their life to reach their dream land with small boats, many of them are seeing miami as a gold land.
Many people in our globalized world are running after investment, and are focusing nasdaq as the new capitalism dream land.
Both of these phenomenons are happening at the same time.
This painting is focusing this hyper-capitalist "epiphany" (James Joyce was calling epiphany a kind of poetry done with concomitant conversation collected in Dublin streets)
3- "Polar liberal landscape"

This painting is showing an air view of the polar sea pack in north pole:
This sea pack is melting under global warming pressure. We can also see two bloody human foot prints facing a small Iceberg which has diamond and gold.
The Globalization has accelerated the global warming and we can perceive the consequences today. Our environment is dying and bleeding under our modernism steps.
But the major company like TOTAL, GAZPROM and many others are seeing this sea pack melting as a huge new opportunity: We will be able to reach the new diamonds, golds and gaz reserves which were inaccessibles undtil today.
This painting is talking about this matter.
4- "Google July 14 200"
This is a google painting showing the french google screen on July 14 2006: The french national day
Google has became the new door of the 21 century capitalism model as Ford has became on 20 century.
As Andy Warhol was painting campbell soup because everyday he was eating this soup, every day I am opening my laptop and I am facing the google screen. So regarding to me it has became the new 21 century still life.
I had to paint it.
5- "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Birthday - May 22, 2006"
This is the google screen show on May 22 2006: Conan Doyle birthday
6- "Google Halloween 2007"
This is the google screen show on Halloween 2007
7- "Google miro"
This is the google screen shown on Joan Miro birthday on 2006
8- "80 Hg."

This painting is showing the kongsfjorden fjord landscape in Spitzberggen (Svalbard Arctica).
It is situating on 79° North and 12° East.
The 80 HG is the mendelev table symbol of mercury. This is the 80th element in the mendelev table.
And in this supposed virgin land we are founding a huge pollution of mercury which is a direct consequence of our globalized economy.
This mercury has contaminated all the food chains, from animals to local humans. In the inuit community new diseases are appearing.
Some birds by flying are falling like stone (They became so contaminated that they are dying by flying because this pollution).
I wanted to show this beautiful landscape by revealing this pollution as our work.
9- "FLICKR: North Pole horizon 80° North"
When I was in North pole I shooted the north pole horizon. When I was back to my home I puted this photo on my flickr online album.
By doing this I got the conscioussness that as the web has defined a new kind of still life, it has also defined a new kind of landscape so I decided to paint this internet screen as a landscape.
10- "Dioxyne in Lowenbreen"

We can see in this paintings scientist with their skidoos in a beautiful and lightful landscape in Lowenbreen in Spitzberggen (svalbard). They are looking like small playmobile in a huge landscape.
They are making examination on the ice. They discovered that this ice and snow is also contaminated by dioxine.
This dioxine has also contaminated all the food chain from animals to humans and are causing new diseases in arctica area in some local human communities (greenland).
That's why we can see at the bottom of this painting the chemical sign of Dioxine.
11- "Jivaros soul at north pole"
On 2005 for my solo show at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris on November 2005, I had to make an expedition in deep amazon to make an art project with a Jivaro community who's using the internet to make the world knowing them.
When I was in deep amazon on the equator line at the boder in between Peru and Ecuador in a jivaro community called Tanguntsa (shiwiars groups); I was living and sharing their daily life.
I became very closed to the shaman because I was spined by a huge spider (mygal) on my back (I still have pain sometimes), he curated me and certainly saved my life.
Then he knew that I will go after this journey in his community to North Pole. So he told me that he has to be there with me to expand his spiritual land and to establish a spiritual link in between two top of the world:
The pole and the equator line. So he explained me that his further crown was his soul and asked me to bring it there in north pole and to wear it.
So When I was on the 80 degrees north line (North Pole is running from 80 to 90 ° north) I did it and this is the picture !
12- "Google mother's day 2005"
This is the google screen shown on the mother's day on 2005
13- "Aibo"
This is the three aibo dogs: Robot produced by Sony.
The computer world has affected everything, the way we are perceiving our environment, the social relation ship, the capitalism and the way that we are trading.
Now we are able to substitute our affective relation ship to animals with robots. And it has became very fashionable.
14- "UML sequence diagram"

this painting is showing two hookers and an UML sequence diagram.
A UML sequence diagram is a software storyboard for programmers (java developpers).
This is the diagram of an ATM machine software:
Thess machines are working like electronic bitch: we are puting in their electronic pussy an electronic penis (visa card) and we are getting cash !
So this painting is showing the relation ship we have with an ATM machine:
We are junky with money, we cannot afford our life without it, this is a real addiction and everything is dealt as a sexual relation ship with an atm machine.
Of course this is a joke painting, don't take it too much seriously
15- "Info origin"

Gustave Courbet has painted the "Origine du monde":
But today the world has became an information world !!!!
This is the new version of it !
As you can see the main topic of my work is to paint specific matters from 21 century that was never painted before.
But as matters I am focusing on the Human ecology with technology:
How technology has affected our envirionment, our perception and our phenomenology.
As we can see it has also affected the indigeneous people perception in amazon...
News about events and exhbitions regarding the french artist Valéry Grancher
dimanche 13 janvier 2008
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