News about events and exhbitions regarding the french artist Valéry Grancher

mardi 15 juillet 2008

"Du Jardin au Cosmos" espace d'Art Concret Mouans Sartoux

"Dreamworks" 2005 - 2008 multichannel video installation
The shaman is painting on his face the animal spirit he met in his dream the night before...
In jivaros philosophy, if we can call it like that: Dream are reality and daily life is illusion. they are meeting each others in dreams, and their dreams are planning the daily life.
In this installation we can see the double identities of the shaman : spiritual leader, and social leader who's deciding the actions of the community during the day (screen 1 and 3) and on the center we see the action decided by the shaman for his community during the day the installation was shot (screen 2).

One of the video installation screen

I have the pleasure to publish the pictures of one of my actual show:
"Du Jardin au cosmos" Espace d'art Concret, Mouans Sartoux June 27 2008 to January 4 2009...
This is a multichannel video installation displaying daily life scene from a Jivaros community called shiwiars in deep amazon...

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