News about events and exhbitions regarding the french artist Valéry Grancher

lundi 6 avril 2009

V.01 β show: the first pictures

Left: Claude Closky "It's okay"
Center: Serge comte "Jive the 50 lives of the firefly"
Right: Valéry Grancher "Click on screen start on..."

Valéry Grancher:
Left: "Google Pollock"
Right: "Google Koons"

Left: Valéry Grancher "Google Koons"
Right: Miltos Manetas "Computer screen"

Right: Valéry Grancher "Google Lego"
Left: Serge Comte "Dessin millémètré"

Bruno Peinado

Left: Cory Arcangel "Nintendo road"
Center: Philippe Parreno and Pierre Huygue "Ann lee"
Right: M/M "No ghost just a shell"

Daniel Firman and Valéry Grancher

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