News about events and exhbitions regarding the french artist Valéry Grancher

samedi 3 octobre 2009

"Six Feet under" Glassbox, Paris, France. November 7

"Full moon" single video installation 1m29 sec.

"Six Feet under"

"Six Feet Under" Glassbox, Fondation Avicennes, Paris, France
November 7 to December 13 2009
Opening on November 7
Collective show with these artists:
Ursula Achternkamp, Fanny Adler et Vincent Madame, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Collectif DN,
Jean-Louis Chapuis, Matthieu Clainchard, Vincent Epplay, Charlie Jeffery,
Cécile Colle}{Ralph Nuhn, Nicolas Fenouillat, Aurélie Godard, Valéry Grancher, Sabrina Issa, Pierre Joseph,
Djamel Kokene, Bertrand Lamarche, Stéphane Magnin & Emilie Maltaverne,
Cyrille Maillot, Bruno Persat, Fabrice Pichat, Jérôme Poret, Santiago Reyes, Joël Riff,
Jean-Philippe Roux, Eric Stéphany, Veit Stratmann, Laurent Tixador, Christian Vialard.

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